8 Parts of Speech of English Language : Learn Grammar Online [Updated]

Parts of Speech in English Grammar
Parts  of Speech     English Language is one of the most popular languages of the world. Each language has its own rules of grammar. One needs to have a sound knowledge of the grammatical rules of a language to use it correctly. Today, in this post we are going to discuss a very basic and most important topic of grammar, Parts of Speech. In English language, we have 8 parts of speech. They are Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Preposition, Conjunction, Adverbs, Adjectives and Interjection. We will study each part in brief. Let’s move one by one.


 In This Article

  • Basic English Grammar
  • Grammar Topics
  • 8 Parts of Speech
  • Important Grammar Lessons
  • Sentence examples of Grammar topics


8 Parts of Speech of English Language

1. Noun

8 Parts of Speech

Noun is the name of person, place, thing or animal. It will not be wrong if we say Everything around us is Noun. Noun is an important topic if English grammar and one of the 8 Parts of Speech in  English language. In a primary class, noun is as topic that is always taught to the students.
So, now we will study the types of Noun. In English grammar, there are 5 types of Noun namely Proper Noun, Common Noun, Collective Noun, Material Noun and Abstract noun. We will talk about each type of Noun one by one. Here we go:-


Proper Noun
As the name reads, proper i.e. words which talks about the specific names of persons, place, thing or animal are known as proper nouns. Examples of Proper Nouns are Mr. Shyam Verma, BMW, Taj Mahal, Salman Khan, Dr. Batra Homeopathy etc


Lets us read some example sentences of Noun:-
1. Salman Khan got a bail from court in the Black buck case.
2.Amitabh Bachchan has its own style of acting.
 3. Disha Patani has an adorable smile.
So, now we hope you have clearly understood the Proper nouns. Now let us move on to common Noun.


Common Noun
Common Noun, as the name reads talks about the common things or refers to the whole category. They don’t talk about a specific thing, place, name or person like in the case of Proper Noun.
Exampled of common noun are boy, it can be any random boy, school, it can be any school, teacher, doctor, car, city, continent, country, Book, laptop etc.
Example Sentences of common Noun
Rahul is a good boy.
Last week, Shyam’s parents gifted him a laptop.
We should always respect our teachers.
A doctor saves the lives of many, he holds a place next to God.
Mobile has become an object of addiction for many students.
Now we will study another type of Noun, collective Noun.


Collective Noun
Collective Noun refers to the group or collection of persons, place or things. It specifically talks about a group of same things. Example: a group of students is know as class, a group of soldiers ( army) etc.


Some more examples of Collective Noun:
 a flock of sheeps
 a swarm of bees
 a jury of judges
 a band of musicians
 a board of directors etc
Some example sentences of collective Noun: –
1. An army of soldiers marched towards the city after a terror alert was organised by the govt.
2. A board of directors has caused some major changes in the policies of XYZ Company.
3. A jury of judges was there to decide on Salman Khan’s Black buck case of 1998.


Material Noun
Material noun is the fourth type of Noun. Nouns which refers to the raw products or materials is known as Material Noun. Examples of Material Noun are Brick, Wood, paper, iron, glass, milk etc
Example sentences of Material Noun:
Furniture is made up of wood.
The school’s main gate is made up of iron.
Books are made up of paper.


Abstract Noun
Now we come to the last type of Noun. Abstract Noun. Words of feelings which can only be felt but can’t be perceived by our five senses comes under the category if Abstract Noun. Example of abstract noun are happiness, anger, uneasiness, laziness, hatred, love, pleasure, desire etc


Example Abstract Noun are
Love is very important in any relationship.
Happiness is more important than money in our lives.
Success can only be achieved if you believe in yourself.
 Now it’s time that we move on to the next part of Speech i.e. Pronoun


 2. Pronoun

Parts of Speech

Pronouns are the words that replace the Nouns. Using the same noun can sometimes look odd and degrades the quality of sentences. So, we replace that noun with a pronoun. We do this so that the word does not sound repititive. For ex. If we are writing an essay on Taj Mahal and we keep repeating nthe word Taj Mahal it will look awkward. Taj Mahal is a beautiful monument. Taj Mahal was built by Shahajahan. Taj Mahal is situated in U.P.  Here instead of using the same word again we can replace it by the Pronoun, ‘It’


Types of Pronouns
Personal Pronouns
Personal pronouns act as the subject of the clause. Personal pronouns can also act as the object of verb or a preposition. Examples of Personal pronouns are I, He, She, It, They, We, You, me, her, him, it, you, them and us.


Example sentences of Personal pronouns
1. He gave me his contact number.
2. They were upset with their exam performance.
3. Riya could not attend the lecture because her mother was very ill.


Possessive Pronouns
Possessive pronouns talks about the possession or ownership of something. It will be more clear from the examples. Examples of Possessive pronouns are mine, yours, ours, theirs, her, hers, its.
Example sentences of Possesive pronoun
The Mathematics book which you gave to Rahul was mine.


Indefinite Pronoun
 Indefinite Pronoun refers to things in general. Some of the examples of Indefinite pronoun are few, everything, everyone,all, anybody, nobody and some.
Nobody was present in the classroom when the lecturer came.
Some of the students got suspended yesterday.
Everyone stood up when the national anthem began.
All of you, leave the class at once.



Relative Pronoun
Relative Pronoun are those which connects a part of a sentence to a noun or a pronoun. Some of the examples of Relative Pronoun are who, whom, whosoever, which, whose, whichever and that etc
Example sentences of Relative Pronoun are:-
1. Whom are you talking about?
2. Yesterday I found a red pen, whose pen was that?
3. Who is responsible for the lack of good healthcare services for the poor people of society?


Demonstrative Pronoun
Demonstrative Pronouns are those which points out to something. They pay attention on nouns being replaced. Example of Demonstrative pronoun are: this, such, these, those, that, there, here etc
Those songs are so lovely.
That boy sitting on the last bench is such an idiot.
Interrogative Pronoun
Parts of Speech in English
Those pronouns which are used to put a question to the listener arr known as Interrogative pronouns. Example of Interrogative pronouns are who, what, why, whom, whosoever, where, which etc..
Example sentences of Interrogative pronouns
1. What would you love to eat today?
2. Which is the best book for SSC CGL preparation?


Reflexive Pronoun
 A reflexive pronoun,  is a pronoun that is preceded or followed by the noun, adjective, adverb or pronoun to which it refers (its antecedent) within the same clause.

A reflexive pronoun is generally in the case when an object of a sentence is the same as the subject in sentence. Each personal pronoun (such as Iyou,he and she) has its own reflexive form:

  • I — myself
  • you — yourself/yourselves
  • he — himself
  • she — herself
  • one — oneself
  • it — itself
  • we — ourselves
  • they — themselves
Some sentences examples are:
He destroyed his career himself.
When you live alone in a new city, you have to either cook yourself or order from outside.


3. Prepositions

Preposition is a word which is used before a Noun or a pronoun and talks about the relationship between the noun/ pronoun and the other part of the sentence. It will be more clear with the help of examples

Some common examples of the prepositions.

Among, between, after, on,in, under, over, between, beside, besides, in spite of, for, since, despite, within, into, onto, upon, in front of, across, through, over, till, until etc

1. He put the book on the table

2. He is writing a letter with the fountain pen.

3. When earthquake came the students and teachers hid themselves under the bench.

 Description and usage of some selected prepositions

Among: it is used to show association with 2 or more than two  things in number.

Ex: He distributed the sweets among his classmates.

Between: This preposition is used to show association between of 2 things. Ex

The match between India and Pakistan has been delayed due bad weather.

Beside: by the side of

Rajesh always sit beside Sonu in the classroom.

Besides: with addition to

 Besides being a good student be is also a good sportsman.

For: it denotes the period of time.

Ajay has been studying for 2 hrs.

He kept himself busy in business for 8 years.

Since: is used to denote the point of time.

Mrs Verma has been teaching in this college since 1999.


 4. Verb 

8 Parts of Speech

 Words which denotes some action are known as Verbs. Action doing words are known as Verbs.


Verbs are mainly of 2 types
Helping Verb
Main Verb
Helping Verbs are then subdivided into Modals and Primary Auxiliary Verbs.
Auxiliary Verbs: they act as helping verbs and works with the main verbs.
Modal Auxiliary verb: They are also the helping verbs..some of the examples are Should, Can, Could, Would, shall, might, Ought to, Will, might etc.
Some sentences of both:-
Rajni can cook on her own.
We should always respect our teachers.
Rajat is used to eat dinner at late night.
He does not dare to ask anything from his father.
Main Verb.
Main verbs are the verbs which are used in the sentences to denote some action or occurrence of an event.
Ex. My mom is cooking food for us. ( MV-  Cooking )
Ex. Singing, dancing, eating, baking, learnt, hit, put etc..
There are 3 forms of Main Verbs
Present ( 1st form)
Past (2nd form)
3rd form
ing form
bear    bore  born
Give    gave   given
Blow   blew   blown


Example sentences:
1. Ajay is studying for his final semester exams. (MV:  Studying)
2. Rupali has topped her college. ( MV: topped)


 5. Adjective

A word which tells the qualities of a noun or a pronoun is known as Adjective.
Example: good, intelligent, clever, best, happy, smart, dull, beautiful, fair, easy etc
Sentence examples:
Ekta is the most intelligent student of her class.
The boys of this locality are very clever.
He is the most intelligent person of his family.


Types of Adjectives
1.Adjective of Quality
2. Adjective of number
3. Demonstrative adjective
4. Possessive adjectives
5. Interrogative Adjectives
6. Distributive Adjectives
7. Adjective of quantity
Adjective of Quality: Adjectives that denotes the quality of an object or a person. Ex. An intelligent man ,a clever man, a dull student etc..
Adjective of Number
Five girls, three teachers, sixth row, several boys few sums on percentage etc
Demonstrative adjectives
The adjectives which points to some thing or a person is called as Demonstrative adjectives.
This , that, those, these etc
Ex: this boy, that girl,this room, these questions,
Distributive Adjectives
Ex: Each, every, either, neither, some etc
Each of the boys got good marks in Reasoning section of paper.
Neither of them came to help me.
Possessive adjectives
Adjectives which denotes possession of an object is known as Possessive adjective.
Ex. My, our, their, your
This is my mobile, return it to me.
This is our own house.
Interrogative Adjectives
Example: What, which, whose etc
What are you waiting for?
Which books do you want to buy?


6. Adverb

An adverb is a word that qualifies noun.
Very, hard, smartly, simply, easily, honestly, slowly, cleverly etc
Ex. Rajat studies very hard for University exams.
The teacher easily explained the complex questions.
He slowly moved out of the class.
Do not talk loud in the class ( loud)
Shyam worked long last night.
Adverbs are of 3 types
1. Simple adverb
2. Relative Adverbs.
3. Interrogative Adverbs
Later these adverbs are subdivided.


7. Conjunction

English Grammar


Conjunction is an important topic out of the 8 Parts of Speech in English Grammar. Conjunction is a word or group of words that connects phrase, clause or 2 sentences.

Ex. Jyoti and Rahul are best friends.

BJP and Congress are the 2 main parties of India.

Rahul’s father told him that he should wake up early in the morning.

Some of the common Conjunctions are mentioned below. Have a look:-

And, As well as, therefore, neither…nor, either..or, as…as, When, As if, Although, As far as, Such..that, whenever, wherever, because etc.

Conjunctions are of 2 types:

  1. Coordinating Conjunction
  2. Sub-ordinating Conjuntion

Ex. of Coordinating Conjunction

  1. He reached the school but no one was there.
  2. Rahul prepared well for exam and topped his class.

Coordinating Conjunctions are of 4 types:

  1. Cumulative Conjunction
  2. Alternative Conjunction
  3. Adversative Conjunction
  4. Illative Conjunction


2. Subordinate Conjunctions In this type of Conjunctions, there are 2 clauses, the Principal Clause and the subordinate clause. The subordinate clause is dependent on the Principal Clause. Examples are given below:-

When the policeman saw a fast driving car, he stopped it.

She could not attend the class because she was feeling unwell.

Since he has deceived me earlier, I don’t trust him anymore.

He could not talk to the girl because he is very shy.


 8. Interjection

Last in our 8 Parts of Speech, we have Interjection. Interjection is not much important in Grammar, so many a times it is ignored by the Grammar teachers. Interjection are words which are used just to convey feelings or emotions. They have nothing to do with the meaning or sense of the sentences. We will look at some examples of Interjection to make it more clear.

“Oh no, I  forgot that teacher has to take a grammar test today.”

“So, he is calling you again, huh?”

Aha, what a yummy cake you have prepared!”

List of common Interjections:-

  • Aha
  • Boo
  • Crud
  • Dang
  • Eew
  • Gosh
  • Goodness
  • Ha
  • Oh
  • Oops
  • Oh no
  • Ouch
  • Rats
  • Shoot


So, this was all about the 8 Parts of Speech in English Grammar. We now hope that you have understood all the concepts clearly. In our coming posts, we will discuss each of the Grammar topics and Parts of Speech separately. Don’t forget to share this article with others if you found it useful. Stay tuned with Careeradvice4u for more Exam updates and online learning.

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