Preparing for the UPSC civil services exam can be extremely toll-taking if you do not have the right guidance. It is true that self-studies play the most vital role in getting you ready to face the mother of all exams. But if you enroll yourself in the best IAS academy in Chennai, you will always be several steps ahead of your competitors. Understanding all the aspects of the prelims as well as mains syllabus can put you on the right track. If you do an online search with ‘top 10 IAS academy in Chennai’ as your search words, you will get all the information you need about coaching institutes. Opting for a suitable institution will make things more comfortable for you.
The right people must be with you
Many people start preparing without help from any coaching institution. It is not a bad strategy in the initial period. But when it comes to getting yourself acquainted with answer writing techniques, you must seek guidance from appropriate teachers. Professionals who have guided hundreds of civil servants in their journey will be happy to help you.
Stages of the game
UPSC civil services exam has three stages, and you must qualify all of them if you want to be selected for the job. You must bear in mind that simultaneous preparation for all the three stages is required. If you prepare yourself only for the preliminary examinations, a lot of problems can arise when you appear for the mains examination.
Understand the changes
UPSC brought substantial changes in the examination pattern in the year 2013. The marks allotted to the optional subjects were substantially reduced at that time. It was done to make the exam equally tough for all the aspirants. Before 2013, aspirants had to choose two optional subjects. As a result, some aspirants had an advantage over others because it was easier to score more marks in optional disciplines such as mathematics.
Fairness is a guarantee
At present, all the candidates have to select one optional subject for the Mains examination. At the preliminary stage of the test, all applicants answer the same questions to qualify for the second stage. You must also bear in mind that UPSC does not use the preliminary examination scores when they decide on your rank. Your performance in the Mains examination and the interview stage are considered in the calculation of the final result.
One optional discipline is enough
The new system has ensured that optional subjects get the value which they deserve. The Mains examination has 1750 marks out of which 500 marks are allotted for the optional subject. The optional subject has two papers both of which have a different syllabus. One thousand two hundred fifty marks of general studies are divided between five papers – four papers of general studies and one paper of general essay. All of these are given an equal share of 250 marks each. The present system has ensured fairness, and the chances of aspirants from various academic backgrounds to clear this examination are equal.
The start matters a lot
When you start your journey, you must focus on the basics of significant portions of the syllabus. History, geography, polity, Economy, science, and Technology along with ethics should be the starting point of your preparation. NCERT books can be beneficial at this stage because they will familiarize you with the fundamental aspects of the disciplines as stated above. Acquainting yourself with the latest developments globally as well as domestically is vital to your cause.
Keep up with the constant changes
Daily newspapers such as The Hindu and The Indian Express can be handy at this point. Assessing and analyzing the syllabus of the preliminary as well as Mains examination must be done. You must understand that the UPSC civil services examination has a vast syllabus, but it has its boundaries. A lot of applicants believe that the curriculum is limitless and they will have to answer questions about everything under the sun. But that is not an accurate assessment by any stretch of the imagination.
Smart work can set you apart
If you analyze the syllabus and previous years question papers, you will understand that UPSC civil services examination has two significant components. One part is static because it does not undergo any significant changes. The other part is dynamic and coping up with it requires constant effort. Hence, you must be aware of all the crucial policy changes taking place domestically.
Keep improving at all costs
At the same time, awareness of all essential matters of national and international significance is crucial to your growth as an aspirant. Correct understanding of global as well as Indian Economy is vital if you want to increase your chances of clearing this examination. At the interview stage, if you’re going to perform well, you will have to display complete awareness of the global situation along with conditions prevailing in India.
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