Today We humans have achieved almost everything in all dimension, Technology is getting better and better everyday. It’s good for us but somewhere, the somehow young generation is getting pressurized and being confused too. They have got so many scopes open for them, advanced technology is a boon for all But how the young generation is seeking it that’s somehow is not right.
Especially school going children they are too busy with their cell phones and laptops that they are unaware of the fact of life. social media is their world where they always try to post their Best pictures and posts. They are taking every type of knowledge whether its good at their age or not. They don’t have time for themselves, and when we don’t give time to ourselves TRUST me you are not doing anything to GROW. You are wasting your precious life only on your digital life.
I want to make a request to all for young, adult and old. Take out a day and put all your technical things aside and just sit, think and ask yourself who you are, what have you done till now, what are you doing with this most gifted and precious life . just think about your capabilities , your potential , your strength , your weaknesses and only and only just about yourself … you’ll find someone in you whose company is much better than your cell phones and other digital things. All the things that frustrate you, you’ll get the solution to them. You will find that you are a LIVING PERSON not a ROBOT who just repeat things in a particular manner.
What I want from all the people who are reading this article that please give time to yourself and listen to your HEART, your SOUL and your MIND. You will find a way to live with others not with your cellphones. I am not against your digital life what am trying to Say is that this is not your whole world we must focus on our existence too. I want all of you to GIVE TIME TO YOURSELF. YOU WILL FIND HOW BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE And how life becomes easy for you. Just DO NOT FORGET you are much better than you think you are, you have great potential hidden in you, just unfold them and live a better life!
Written By:– Priyanka Vaid
Such a great message I’ll try it and I’ll make better to my self.
Thanks priyanka vaid